Comment 28 for bug 680444

Revision history for this message
John Charonko (john-charonko) wrote :

@mr. goose

Information about kpackagekitsmarticon is discussed in, the linked upstream bug.

Incidentally, if killing kpackagekitsmarticon doesn't help, you might want to try this command, suggested in the KDE bug report. It will report how many files are open on each process.

ls /proc/| awk '{if($1+0==0) print " "; else system("echo `ls /proc/"$1+0"/fd|wc -l` "$1" `cat /proc/"$1+0"/cmdline` ")}' | sort -nr | head

When I run it, for example, I get (after a bunch of permission denied messages):

598 1505 //bin/dbus-daemon--fork--print-pid5--print-address7--session
518 15435 /usr/lib/kde4/libexec/kpackagekitsmarticon
107 6094 /usr/lib/thunderbird-6.0.2/thunderbird-bin
89 1688 akonadiserver
78 11625 /usr/lib/firefox-6.0.2/firefox-bin
72 1690 /usr/sbin/mysqld--defaults-file=/home/xxxxxxx/.local/share/akonadi//mysql.conf--datadir=/home/jcharonk/.local/share/akonadi/db_data/--socket=/home/jcharonk/.local/share/akonadi/socket-xxxxxxx/mysql.socket
68 1647 kdeinit4: ksmserver [kdeinit]
65 1731 /usr/bin/krunner
51 1686 /usr/bin/akonadi_control
47 1728 /usr/bin/nepomukservicestubnepomukstorage

As you can see, dbus-daemon is already up to 598 files, and most of these belong to kpackagekitsmarticon (518). I'm well on my way to needing to kill it again. See if you can spot another program that's behaving badly this way - maybe there's more than one culprit and the fix suggested for KStatusNotifierItem in kdelibs needs to be adapted to that program as well.

Or, if you don't have too many open files, it could be that you've found a different problem entirely with dbus.