Comment 41 for bug 295741

Revision history for this message
near (near) wrote :

There's definitively something, but it appears only after a few weeks of using gnome. My main use is pidgin (always running) and several instances of epiphany (opened and closed several instances in a day).

I think the issue is with epiphany (or something close to it) :

* Here is a ps aux | grep dbus-daemon before :
none 5887 0.1 8.3 271544 255752 ? Ss Jul10 72:47 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session

* I run epiphany and browse several pages.

* Here is a ps aux | grep dbus-daemon again (only two minutes later) :
none 5887 0.1 8.3 272700 256888 ? Ss Jul10 72:49 /usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session

uptime : 00:35:59 up 27 days, 3:23, 3 users, load average: 0.36, 0.25, 0.40

As i run an archlinux, it's only a comment to help you find out. i'll post this to the dbus bugtracker