Comment 3 for bug 805261

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N7DR (doc-evans) wrote :

Yes; I spent a lot of time on this yesterday, and that's exactly the conclusion I came to as well, with one addition: oss-compat should allow cwlib to work, but it doesn't because of bug # 659024 (which essentially renders oss-compat useless). oss-compat does allow unixcw to work in Arch (since Arch doesn't have bug 659024, said bug appearing to be a simple omission in packaging, although the bug has been around for quite a while now even though it seems like it would be easy to fix).

You're right, of course, that the real fix would either be to have unixcw support alsa, (or for Canonical to continue to supply a kernel with OSS support -- see the lengthy complaints about bug #579300).

73 -- Doc, N7DR