Comment 6 for bug 92042

Revision history for this message
Walter Tautz (wtautz) wrote : Re: [Bug 92042] Re: cupsys in feisty doesn't put any backends into /usr/lib/cups/backend/

Till Kamppeter wrote:
> If a simple update does not recreate the files in /usr/lib/cups/backend,
> do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure cupsys" and change one of the backend choices,
> then do "sudo dpkg-reconfigure cupsys" again and change this backend
> choice back. Do you have files in /usr/lib/cups/backend now?
Already tried dpkg-reconfigure cupsys as root. No go.

I think there may be
a syntax error in the cupsys.postinst script.

 Is there a way to
run the script "properly" i.e., tell dpkg to run it in a verbose

 If you noticed, (I put the output of set -x in it)
when I ran the script directly it does give a syntax error message that
may or may not be due to the fact that I ran it directly which may well
be "incorrect".

Here is the output of dpkg-reconfigure after (by putting in set -x in
the postinst script of cupsys):

# dpkg-reconfigure -plow cupsys
 * Stopping Common Unix Printing System:
[ OK ]
+ . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule
+ [ ! 1 ]
+ [ -z ]
+ exec
+ [ ]
+ exec
+ [ -e /etc/default/cupsys ]
+ . /etc/default/cupsys
+ [ -f /etc/cups/ ]
+ [ -f /etc/cups/ ]
+ getent group lpadmin
+ [ -z lpadmin:x:106:wtautz ]
+ getent group lpadmin
+ awk -F: { print $4 }
+ awk -F, { for (i=1; i <= NF; i++ ) print $i }
+ grep ^root$
+ [ -n ]
+ getent passwd cupsys
+ [ -z cupsys:x:104:106::/home/cupsys:/bin/false ]
+ adduser --quiet cupsys lp
+ adduser --quiet cupsys dialout
+ getent group scanner
+ [ -z scanner:x:107:wtautz,cupsys ]
+ adduser --quiet cupsys scanner
+ [ -d /etc/cups/certs ]
+ [ -d /var/spool/cups/certs ]
+ [ -d /var/lib/cups/certs ]
+ [ -L /usr/share/ppd/cups-transitional-dir ]
+ [ -L /usr/share/cups/model/cups-included ]
+ [ -f /etc/cups/ppds.dat ]
+ [ -x /usr/bin/smbspool -a ! -e /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb ]
+ [ ! -e /etc/cups/raw.types ]
+ [ ! -e /etc/cups/raw.convs ]
+ db_fget cupsys/raw-print changed
+ _db_cmd FGET cupsys/raw-print changed
+ IFS= printf %s\n FGET cupsys/raw-print changed
+ IFS=
 read -r _db_internal_line
+ RET=false
+ return 0
+ [ false = true ]
+ db_fget cupsys/backend changed
+ _db_cmd FGET cupsys/backend changed
+ IFS= printf %s\n FGET cupsys/backend changed
+ IFS=
 read -r _db_internal_line
+ RET=false
+ return 0
+ [ false = true ]
+ [ -z 1.2.8-0ubuntu6 ]
+ [ -e /usr/lib/cups/backend/lpd ]
+ dpkg --compare-versions 1.2.8-0ubuntu6 lt-nl 1.2.8-0ubuntu3
+ [ -f /etc/cups/cups.d/ports.conf -o -f /etc/cups/cups.d/browse.conf ]
+ chown root:lp /etc/cups
+ chmod 3755 /etc/cups
+ chown cupsys:root /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
+ chmod 644 /etc/cups/cupsd.conf
+ chown root:lp /etc/cups/ppd
+ chmod 755 /etc/cups/ppd
+ chown cupsys:shadow /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-check-pam-auth
+ chmod 2754 /usr/lib/cups/daemon/cups-check-pam-auth
+ [ ! -d /var/run/cups/certs ]
+ [ -f /etc/cups/classes.conf ]
+ [ -f /etc/cups/printers.conf ]
+ [ -d /var/cache/cups ]
+ chown -R cupsys:lp /var/cache/cups
+ dpkg --compare-versions 1.2.8-0ubuntu6 le 1.2.1-2ubuntu1
+ dpkg --compare-versions 1.2.8-0ubuntu6 lt 1.2.1-2ubuntu3
+ dpkg --compare-versions 1.2.8-0ubuntu6 le-nl 1.2.2-0ubuntu2
+ [ ! -e /usr/share/ppd/1-local-admin -a ! -L /usr/share/ppd/1-local-admin ]
+ [ ! -e /usr/share/ppd/2-third-party -a ! -L /usr/share/ppd/2-third-party ]
+ [ configure = configure ]
+ which install-docs
+ [ -x /etc/init.d/cupsys ]
+ update-rc.d cupsys multiuser 19
+ which invoke-rc.d
+ [ -x /usr/sbin/invoke-rc.d ]
+ invoke-rc.d cupsys start
 * Starting Common Unix Printing System:
[ OK ]
+ [ configure = configure ]
+ read line
+ set -- /usr/local/share 2775 root staff
+ dir=/usr/local/share
+ mode=2775
+ user=root
+ group=staff
+ [ ! -e /usr/local/share ]
+ read line
+ set -- /usr/local/share/ppd 2775 root staff
+ dir=/usr/local/share/ppd
+ mode=2775
+ user=root
+ group=staff
+ [ ! -e /usr/local/share/ppd ]
+ mkdir /usr/local/share/ppd
+ chown root:staff /usr/local/share/ppd
+ chmod 2775 /usr/local/share/ppd
+ read line
+ db_stop
+ echo STOP
+ exit 0