Comment 12 for bug 44931

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Walter Tautz (wtautz) wrote : Re: [Bug 44931] Re: CUPS tries to auto-generate SSL key, fails

WalterNicholls wrote:

>How long is autogeneration supposed to take? I've waited for 5 minutes
>so far... would some nice person be able to post how to generate the
>key with openssl, or how to turn https off? (I've tried Encryption Never
>- did nothing)
Try running openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -days 365 -out server.crt
-keyout server.key
(install openssl package first)
inside of /etc/cups/ssl (you may need to make this directory) moreover
you'll need
to make the permissions something like 0600 and ownerships should
coincide with

>As noted against #42802 we had troubles printing from a computer upgraded from breezy to dapper. I decided to upgrade the server to dapper as well in the belief this will simply fix the problem - and it made things worse. I now have a print job stuck with the job status reporting as "stopped at novalue" (this is on the printer status page http://vale:631/printers/Laserjet2550L where "vale" is the server's name of course). Attempting to cancel this job results in a page requesting "426 upgrade required" redirecting to the https equivalent, and clicking on this link goes nowhere- the browser waits apparently forever After this cupsd appears to hang and does not respond to any further requests of any kind (/etc/init.d/cupsys restart brings it back).
>/var/log/cups/error_log shows:
>I [06/Jun/2006:22:10:31 +1200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=4141)
>I [06/Jun/2006:22:10:52 +1200] Generating server key...
>I have upgraded to 1.2.1 (the packages from as above) hoping
>this would solve things. It makes no difference - although the last job
>is reported as "stopped" rather than "stopped at novalue" which is an
>improvement I guess, I still can't cancel it or print anything else.