Comment 39 for bug 40795

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Sebastian (mdkuser) wrote :

I am sorry that I must say, the only workaround would be to trash those buggy Ubuntu Dapper Desktop-CDs into the bin and use other live CDs instead!!
The developers seems to don't care about provinding those informations. I never get some useful, technical information or reply as an respond to my bug reports.
(I suppose that is because they are thinking about it's users that they are dump users)

It's nice to hear they fixed the printing problem in edgy, but are they are going to provide a solution for dapper as well?
Hey, come on man, Dapper is your LTS version you SHOULD provide fixes for known bugs (or at least information how the users can solve it by themselfes).
But all you are doing is concentrate of the new upcomming release leaving the bugs of the LTS version.
It's not acceptable. If you fixed the bug in edgy you know what was wrong in dapper, so at least write a small note here on lanchpad about how users can solve the problem by themselves!