Comment 5 for bug 251874

Revision history for this message
Dereck Wonnacott (dereck) wrote :

Does a printer icon appear in the system tray near the clock when you try to print?

If you have a bit if time, I think it would be helpful to attach the cupsys log file: This is a file where CUPSYS writes information about what it is doing. Almost all printing problems can be diagnosed from the error log, so it is the first place to look to start solving problems. To be useful, you must change the logging level:

   1.Select "System" -> "Administration" -> "Printing" in the main menu of your desktop. The printer setup tool system-config-printer will open. Select "Server Settings" in the list on the left. Then check the check box "Save debugging information for troubleshooting" and click "Apply".

   2. In /etc/cups/cupsd.conf, find the line "LogLevel ..."; change it to" LogLevel debug"; save.
   3. 'sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart'
   4. Try to print something.
   5. Add /var/log/cups/error_log as an attachment to the bug report.