Comment 13 for bug 153003

Revision history for this message
Peter Peltonen (peter-peltonen) wrote :

My gs binary isn't missing:

peter@sinisusi:~$ ls -lah /usr/bin/gs
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.3K 2008-01-08 23:20 /usr/bin/gs

I enabled debugging from /etc/foomatic/filter.conf, restarted cupsys, but no /tmp/foomatic-rip.log was created?

I reinstalled ghostscript anyway, did cupsys restart amd: printer still does not work and the apparmor entry still appears.

But by following Merike's comment I got the problem solved: Removing the printer and adding it again from CUPS web admin tool made the printer work again! The apparmor entry still appears though, but I guess that's no problem as long as my printer prints...

I still cannot access "Printers" through "System settings" (it crashes), but I guess that is a KDE problem not related to this problem.