Comment 33 for bug 147551

Revision history for this message
Sean "Diggity" O'Brien (seandiggity) wrote : Re: cups-pdf fails to generate file

I changed the cups-pdf output directory in /etc/cups/cups-pdf.conf:
Out ${HOME}/Desktop

and also in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd:
  @{HOME}/Desktop/ w,
  @{HOME}/Desktop/* w,

It didn't work, so I ran:
sudo aa-complain cupsd

...and now the cups-pdf printer saves PDFs to the ~/Desktop folder. Thanks labinnsw for the (temporary?) solution. Does anyone know if setting cupsd to "complain mode" is unwise for any reason? I don't have any expertise on this issue.

Also, when I "Print Test Page" via /usr/bin/system-config-printer (System > Administration > Printing in my Gnome panel menu), it still outputs to /var/spool/cups-pdf/ANONYMOUS as others describe above.