Comment 11 for bug 139665

Revision history for this message
Robert Di Gioia (digioiar) wrote :

Hi Till

Thanks for working on this, and sorry for the slow response, its been a busy week.

My system is up to date, with the updated version of cupsys installed (see below for output of dpkg-query -W), but my /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd has not been updated since January. However, since I reported it in December, maybe it has been that long since it was fixed...either way, my system is working well.

Thanks again!

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 3379 2008-01-16 21:48 usr.sbin.cupsd

robert@gandalf:/etc/apparmor.d> dpkg-query -W cupsys
cupsys 1.3.2-1ubuntu7.5