Comment 5 for bug 908864

Revision history for this message
John Johansen (jjohansen) wrote :

If logprof finds a denied message it understands it should prompt you with a message giving you the chance to allow it. Since this is not happening, it is not finding a message it understands.

I took a look in your currentdmesg and bootdmesg attachments and didn't see any apparmor messages, so I am inclined to believe this is not being caused by apparmor. There are a couple ways to test this

1. Remove the apparmor cups profile
    sudo apparmor_parser -R /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.cupsd
  and then restart cups
   sudo restart cups

2. Remove all apparmor profiles
  sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor stop

and then restart cups
  sudo restart cups

3. If neither of those work, you can completely disable apparmor from boot by adding
on the grub command line for the kernel you boot.

Any one of these should establish whether apparmor is the cause, #1 leaves some apparmor protection in place #2, and #3 should completely disable apparmor but #3 makes sure it has never run from boot so that there can not be any residual effects.

If cups is still failing after these we will need to start hunting down none apparmor sources of the problem. If it starts working we will need to start looking into why apparmor is not logging why it denying access to something.