Comment 32 for bug 2026200

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Michaelus (szabo-michael-a) wrote :

@Nathan Teodosio:

Wow -- exactly ONE MONTH to-the-day, and it's broken again.

I guess I should have replaced Chromium as the PDF generation on our servers back-end

For anyone else reading this, I still maintain that, contrary to what @Nathan Teodosio says, that since Ubuntu is intercepting the `apt install chromium-browser` and force-installing their SNAP version, and that said SNAP version of Chromium creates the following paths:

/snap/chromium/current -> 2572

...and the "target" of /snap/chromium/current changes with every build, why the "h-e-double-hockey-sticks" should I NOT be able to invoke chromium using the static path of /snap/chromium/current/ ?

WHY does the SNAP create /snap/chromium/current in the first place?

Otherwise, what is the purpose of it?
For "unsupported executions" as Nathan called it ?

The www-data (apache2) user cannot invoke chromium-browser at /snap/bin/chromium because of the home directory restriction (another restriction forced by the SNAP, not Debian, on which Ubuntu is based)

It's my fault -- I've left this "fix" in for a month, with nothing better to do than replace a previously working solution ...

Or, is it, "Just upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 already, and stop complaining ? "