Comment 11 for bug 1753509

Revision history for this message
Jorge Sampaio (jrgsampaio) wrote :

I could get rid of the auto browsing/adding with the following:

firstly stop cups:

   sudo service cups stop

   sudo gedit /etc/cups/cups.conf
(or using any other editor) and comment...
   ## browselocalprotocols dnssd

save and close

   sudo gedit /etc/cups/cups-browsed.conf
and set
   GreateIPPPrintersQueues to No or LocalOnly
as described above
save and close

then stop avahi
   sudo service avahi-daemon stop
   sudo gedit /etc/avahi/avahi-daemon.conf

and insert or uncomment the following line:

save and close

now restart the services

sudo service cups start
sudo service avahi-daemon start

You may have to go on and delete all undesirable printers, one by one, three clicks for each (why they make this so hard? In the campus there are hundreds of printers!). You should not see the printers being re-added as before.

Final test: restart your system and see the list of printers in Settings.

Good luck
Jorge Sampaio