Comment 34 for bug 295318

Revision history for this message
papukaija (papukaija) wrote :

@ward and @saisyukusanagi: This bug is fixed since Karmic. You can try to manually create a folder called "PDF" to your home directory. Plase note that cups-pdf need write access to your your home directory, for example a permission of 700 to your home folder would probably make cups-pdf fail to create the PDF directory. Start by resetting your home folder's permissions or run the following command from the terminal which changes the permissions to 701 (proven to work at :

chmod 701 $HOME

If that doesn't help, then create manually the PDF folder using this command:

rm -fr ~/PDF && mkdir -m 701 -p ~/PDF
(it will first delete the existing pdf folder and then create a new one with 701 permissions)

If cups-pdf is still not working, then create a new user account and try to use cups-pdf. If that also fails, then please open a new bug (with ubuntu-bug cups-pdf) after searching for existing ones.

Btw, this bug is a dupplicate of the above mentioned bus as stated in comment 22 (ward, I have read the all comments of this bug report).