Comment 16 for bug 1920190

Revision history for this message
Manu (manulari) wrote :


I had to guess/google package names, but running

  sudo apt install libpoppler-cpp-dev poppler-utils liblcms2-2 libfreetype6 fontconfig libjpeg-tools libtiff-tools zlibc libpng-tools


  The following NEW packages will be installed:
    libjpeg-tools libpoppler-cpp-dev libtiff-tools zlibc


  /usr/bin/time -v /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftoraster 99 manu sometitle 1 'PageSize=A4 output-format=apple-raster Resolution=600dpi' test48.pdf > pdftorast.out

after installing these still gives maximum resident set size of close to 7GB and takes 16 seconds like before, so no change there.
Trying to print also still takes a very long time.

So pdftoraster's RAM use only explains about half the RAM use I see when printing, and it doesn't really explain why printing takes quite so long (10 minutes printing vs 16 seconds for just pdftoraster), but wouldn't you agree that pdftoraster's memory use on its own is already a problem?
Can you reproduce that on your machine by running pdftoraster with the above command (might have to replace manu by your username, not sure if it matters)?