Comment 25 for bug 595648

Revision history for this message
Felix Eckhofer (eckhofer) wrote :

On Raring, something like this works:

  cat /conf/conf.d/cryptroot
  /sbin/cryptsetup luksOpen <source> <target>
  kill $(pidof plymouth)

Where <source> and <target> have to be replaced by the respective parameters from the output of the first command.

What is the proposed way to fix this issue? It should be rather easy to create a script which uses the functions from local-top/cryptroot to parse options from /proc/cmdline and /conf/conf.d/cryptroot, then calls /sbin/cryptsetup as above and on success kills the plymouth password prompt. Calling this script from a wrapper which waits for input on /lib/cryptsetup/passfifo seems similary simple. Would a patch be accepted if it did that?