Comment 1 for bug 563

Revision history for this message
hunger (hunger) wrote : description of changes made

My script supports some new options in /etc/crypttab:

prescript="/some/script -with -options": A script that is run before
   anything is done to set up the decrypted device. The script is
   started with the source device appended (/some/script -with
   -option /dev/somedev).

postscript="/some/script -with -option": A script that is run after
   the decrypted device is brought up. The script is started with
   the decrypted device appended (/some/script -with -option
   /dev/mapper/decrypted). Great to run mkfs or mkswap on devices
   with a random key.

transient: Mount the device imediently after setting it up and unmout
   it again once the crypttab is processed completly, removing the
   decrypted blockdevice.

   Transient devices are meant to hold keys for other partitions.

mkswap option was removed as it is obsoleted by postscript.

Oh, the key field is executed if the file has the execute bit set. This way you can encrypt your keys with gpg or openssl (provided that
is already available when the script is run).

Finally you can do /etc/init.d/cryptodisks status to get the status of all drives defined in /etc/crypttab.

Is there interesst in those changes? Everything works for me;-)

How do I append the script here?