Comment 7 for bug 1891473

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package cryptsetup - 2:2.2.2-3ubuntu2.2

cryptsetup (2:2.2.2-3ubuntu2.2) focal-security; urgency=medium

  * SECURITY UPDATE: Out-of-bounds write
    - debian/patches/CVE-2020-14382-*.patch: check segment gaps regardless of
      heap space in lib/luks2/luks2_json_metadata.c.
    - CVE-2020-14382
  * debian/patches/decrease_memlock_ulimit.patch
    Fixed FTBFS due a restrict environment in the new Bionic Builder (LP: #1891473)
    tests/luks2-validation.test, tests/compat-test, tests/tcrypt-compat-test.
    - Thanks Guilherme G. Piccoli.

 -- <email address hidden> (Leonidas S. Barbosa) Thu, 10 Sep 2020 08:47:50 -0300