Comment 4 for bug 67794

Revision history for this message
Despair (despair) wrote :

It is one issue, arising from multiple bugs. The individual bugs are hard to replicate seperately, but in combination lock up gnome-session 100% of the time on my machine. The issue is the bug interaction. At least that was my tired reasoning for dropping all 4 bugs into 1 report. The Xmodmap popup by itself is just a minor annoyance, though the automagic finding of all might-be-modmap configs is very odd, seems liable to be an unnecessary slowdown to gnome startup.

I'll try to get a backtrace later today.

You wind up with a blank white window, a movable mouse cursor, and nothing you can do. Doesn't reach loading keybindings, and nothing is clickable.
I was unable to try any applications while launching a gnome session from gdm.
With both of those config files installed (or renamed and being found anyways... ugh) I had to launch a KDE session to be able to do anything at all.

For applications I tried gnome-terminal, gaim, xchat and gnome-control-center. xchat & gaim would sometimes lock up independently of others. Sometimes everything went at once. Erratic behavior, very exciting.