Comment 45 for bug 544139

Revision history for this message
Lennie (lbesselink) wrote :

Hi Colin and all the others,

I recently upgraded a laptop and I also sometimes had the 'can not shutdown/reboot' probleem.

If what Colin mentions is true, then would it not help to just disable the getting the recently-logged-in-user-list from consolekit as a test/workaround ?

Which can be achieved with the following command.

sudo -u gdm -- gconftool -s /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/disable_user_list true --type bool

which changes the file: /var/lib/gdm/.gconf/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/%gconf.xml

I enabled the debug in /etc/gdm/gdm.schemas before hand by setting the 'debug/Enable' to true and judging by the /var/log/gdm/:0-greeter.log file it seems it doesn't talk to consolekit anymore at startup.

Normally it would say something like this:
GdmUserManager: Found current seat: /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Seat1

But not with the recent-user-list-disabled.

Maybe someone like Damien can test this ? Because I can't really reproduce the problem very well.

Possible you could also post (part of) a logfile of when it fails to work, maybe there is an other hint in there as well.

I hope this helps, because this is a pretty annoying problem.