Comment 10 for bug 705856

Revision history for this message
lent (lent) wrote :

Seems similar to Bug #192389 (info also posted there).

Still crashes after "hiding" the config file.

lent@BlueUbuntu:~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig$ mv config .config

Before the crash, the program rebuilds the config rebuilds as a shorter config file:

lent@BlueUbuntu:~/.config/compiz-1/compizconfig$ diff -c .config config
*** .config 2011-02-03 09:17:55.121334860 -0500
--- config 2011-02-17 11:10:56.429666595 -0500
*** 1,7 ****
  profile =

- [general]
- profile =
- integration = true
--- 1,3 ----

So r_u: 's solution doesn't work. And anyway programs shouldn't crash on bad config files. They should spit out an error messages somewhere (with enough information) and die in a controlled way. Even a message a log file helps. Rant over :-)