Comment 32 for bug 207065

Revision history for this message
fermulator (fermulator) wrote :

Confirmed this patch on Ubuntu 10.04 using the apt-get source method:

NOTE: This is a workaround until we get the next compizconfig package upstream into ubuntu 10.04. The version just prior to these changes is:
$ dpkg --list | grep compizconfig
ii compizconfig-backend-gconf 0.8.4-0ubuntu2 Settings library for plugins - OpenCompositi
, so anything after this should have the fix already. (i.e. if you have a version later than the above, you shouldn't have to perform these instructions.

 0) As per AbtZ noted, there are some package dependencies to build the compizconfig source:
sudo apt-get install compiz-dev libcompizconfig0-dev build-essential git-core autoconf libglib2.0-dev intltool libgconf2-dev

 1) Install the compizconfig-backend-gconf source:
sudo cp settings-backend/.libs/libgconf.* /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/
 2) Traverse into the settings-backend sub-dir of the source:
cd compizconfig-backend-gconf-0.8.4/settings-backend/
 3) Grab and apply the patch supplied by Guido!
sudo wget
sudo patch < resize-with-right-button.patch
 4) Copy the newly modified files to your system:
metacity --replace & (# OR: ALT+F2 --> "metacity --replace")
for file in /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/libgconf.* ; do sudo mv $file $file.backup ; done
sudo cp settings-backend/.libs/libgconf.* /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/
compiz --replace & (# OR: ALT+F2 --> "compiz --replace")

Now, I can flip the gconf variable: "apps/metacity/general/resize_with_right_button" and watch simultaneously in compizconfig-settings-manager (Window Management --> Resize Window --> "Initiate Window Resize") change as I check/uncheck the var in gconf-editor.

Great work Guido!