Comment 23 for bug 207065

Revision history for this message
Eddie Dunn (eddie-dunn) wrote :

Hello, I tried applying the patch and got it to work. I'm on Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx 64-bit.

Here's what I had to install to get it working:

$ sudo apt-get install compiz-dev libcompizconfig0-dev build-essential git-core autoconf libglib2.0-dev intltool libgconf2-dev

Please note, I added the ampersand ("&") after the "--replace" commands. Failing to do so locks the terminal, at least for me. Thus:

$ git clone git://
$ cd compizconfig-backend-gconf/settings-backend/
$ wget
$ patch < resize-with-right-button.patch

$ cd ..
$ ./
$ make
$ metacity --replace &
$ for file in /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/libgconf.* ; do sudo mv $file $file.backup ; done
$ sudo cp settings-backend/.libs/libgconf.* /usr/lib/compizconfig/backends/
$ compiz --replace &