Comment 65 for bug 99508

Revision history for this message
sam tygier (samtygier) wrote : Re: Window titlebar displayed not right with compiz enabled

I described an alternate way to trigger this (or maybe a separate similar issue) in Bug #174880

it happens when the title of a fullscreen window changes

to reproduce on stock compiz, with the visual effects set to normal in system -> preferences -> appearance
open firefox.
maximize the firefox window
open a number of tabs (middle click on the BBC news headlines rss bookmark)
then switch between the tabs with the mouse or with CTRL+ Page Up.

it is not specific to firefox, i can reproduce with gnome terminal. it seems to occur when the title of a window changes.
while :; do echo -ne "\033]0;`date`\007";sleep 1; done
(changes the tile to the date and time every second)