Comment 0 for bug 90740

Revision history for this message
In , Tim Dijkstra (tim-famdijkstra) wrote :

After a successful suspend and resume all window decorations (the
places where the shadow was supposed to be, but also the titlebars) are
much to colorful (meaning it has some random colors in it).
Also the icons in the alt-tab window chooser are corrupted.

Moving the windows brings the old colors back. For the gnome menu bar,
however, this doesn't work. Even tooltips that pop-up from it have
strange colors,

 compiz --replace

resolves this.

I've put a picture here:

This is with the following software and hardware:

Chipset ATI Radeon 9250 5960 (AGP)
compiz: 0.3.2-1
xserver: 7.1.0-7 (opensource drivers)
mesa: 6.5.1
linux: 2.6.19

When I posted this to the compiz mailinglist, I got a reply
from an ATI X300 owner with the same symptoms.