Comment 19 for bug 89741

Revision history for this message
steliosd (dritsas) wrote :

Hi all,
I managed to fix the same/similar problem.
I installed feisty on my vaio laptop and turned on the visual effects.
None of the borders was drawn, so I couldn't move the windows around etc.

I did a couple of things... I modified the /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Section "Device"
    Identifier "nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce Go 6200/6400]"
    Driver "nvidia"
    Option "AllowGLXWithComposite" "true"
    Option "RenderAccel" "true"
    Option "NoLogo" "True"

Section "Extensions"
    Option "Composite" "Enable"

also is set the depth bit depth to 24 (it was 16 by default)

Section "Screen"
    Identifier "Default Screen"
    Device "nVidia Corporation NV43 [GeForce Go 6200/6400]"
    Monitor "Generic Monitor"
    DefaultDepth 24
    Option "AddARGBGLXVisuals" "True"

finally, i installed the nvidia-glx-new driver thingy
in the synaptic package manager, this action removed the default nvidia-glx module
then I restarted the computer and voila!!! borders and wiggly windows!!!

somehow the cube thingy didn't work on my machine even though i checked the option in the
enable effects dialog, so i have to start it up by myself...

i made a script with these couple of lines that start it up manually...

gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/hsize 4
gconftool-2 --type int --set /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/number_of_desktops 1

now, i have to figure out why some apps render black =((
