Comment 10 for bug 89741

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eppy 1 (choppy121212) wrote :

That's odd---I don't have that XAANoOffscreenPixmaps line in my xorg.conf, even after I enabled desktop effects. The effects still work (ie., wobbly windows), but the desktop is so glitchy that it's unusable.

Here's the relevant portion:

Section "Device"
        Identifier "ATI Technologies Inc Radeon R100 QD [Radeon 7200]"
        Driver "ati"
        BusID "PCI:1:0:0"

I just added the [ Option "XAANoOffscreenPixmaps" "true" ] under the BusID, and now 3d seems much faster, and the effects are faster too. I wonder why that option isn't added for the r100 automatically?

I also tried Beryl, but their window manager doesn't work on this card and reverts back to metacity. Compiz however does now work with all that 3d goodness--except that the desktop goes white, and the bottom gnome -panel with my window list doesn't respond or update.. I tried killing nautilus, because it draws the desktop, but it was still white, even after it came back up.

I attached a screen shot of what I mean. You can tell that compiz is working (shadows, alt + tab, all that) but the desktop is white and glitchy and gnome-panel at the bottom isn't working.