Comment 140 for bug 815996

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Alexis Wilke (alexis-m2osw) wrote :

Adding a comment just to say that I'm under Xenial and it still happens. Even though it is marked as "Won't Fix"...

I have the problem ONLY if I quickly go from screen 1 to screen 2 and back to screen 1 (Alt-F2, Alt-F1) and I have SeaMonkey in fullscreen mode. Without apps in fullscreen, I never get that problem.

To fix the problem, I can just go to a console (Ctrl-Alt-F12) and kill compiz:

    ps -ef | grep compiz

    kill -QUIT <compiz-pid>

wait for it to come back (I use top to see what happens then) and then go to the 7th console (Alt-F7) to restart X11.

Windows will have been moved, but everything is then back to normal.