Comment 79 for bug 772612

Revision history for this message
Keith Survell (keith-starkeith) wrote :

Gave Scott's PPA a try - unfortunately I still see the same behaviour - windows such as Firefox, VLC media player, Nautilus, gedit, etc. still have the same problem.

The one difference I did notice is that after applying the PPA, the "minimize and maximize" (or switch windows with ALT+TAB) trick used previously to work around this bug no longer worked.

I am running Natty with Ubuntu Classic (the regular one, not the "no effects" one), but compiz is running as well:

keith@ryo-ohki:~$ ps aux | grep compiz
keith 1276 1.4 1.4 60196 14348 ? Sl 12:09 0:14 /usr/bin/compiz
keith 1376 0.0 0.0 1912 508 ? Ss 12:09 0:00 /bin/sh -c /usr/bin/compiz-decorator
keith 2518 0.0 0.0 4160 864 pts/0 S+ 12:25 0:00 grep --color=auto compiz

Not sure what the next steps should be - if more info is required, or if this should be a new bug. Any guidance on this would be helpful; I want to help as much as I can with this!