Comment 88 for bug 607796

Revision history for this message
Jan Battenfeld (jan-battenfeld) wrote :

Here are the files i think relevant for creating a SpreadOnDndHover-function:

In launcher/LauncherIcon.cpp, Line 116:
   mouse_enter.connect(sigc::mem_fun(this, &LauncherIcon::RecvMouseEnter));
seems to handle all clicks and mouseovers for quickmenu and handles collision by itself.

In launcher/Launcher.cpp, Line 2585:
   void Launcher::ProcessDndMove(int x, int y, std::list<char*> mimes)
and Line 2692:

The scale function (ScaleWindowGroup) is called multiple times in `src/ApplicationLauncherIcon.cpp` and defined in `unity-shared/PluginAdapter.cpp:880`.

I hope all that is left to do is create a timer (and maybe a collision-case) for `ProcessDndMove`, call the akready implemented `ScaleWindowGroup` and add an action for `DndLeave` if (spread=true).

Unfortunatle I don't have the time nor experience to work on it myself right now, but hope I could point somebody to the right places to look at.