Comment 2 for bug 281289

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Aaron Roydhouse (aaron-roydhouse) wrote :

I get the sample problem plus others with 8.10 Intrepid and compiz, however I don't any of the problems with unlocking described in bug #131679 of which this is supposed to be duplicate. Also, that unlocking bug apparently affects metacity as well as compiz, whereas the problem described here definitely only happens with using compiz (switching to metacity makes this bug go away). It may be the same crash/exit point, but I suggest it might not be the same cause, so perhaps a separate bug.

I'm using an intel video card on an Lenovo X301. When switching back from two monitors to one with compiz enabled, I usually get logged out and need to log in again. I assume the X server is crashing? The workaround is to switch to metacity, change to one monitor, then switch back to compiz.

When switching from one monitor to two with compiz enabled, only the original area remains under compiz control, the rest is blank or full off old images. Re-starting compiz gets it to take control of the whole area.

Using compiz and switching to using mirror on external monitors with a small res, when switching back I often end up with no window manager at all. Just undecorated windows and no way to get keyboard focus anywhere.

I suspect that the multi-monitor support may not be the root issue, it seems like any time you reduce the X resolution of the display, compiz+X can blow-up. Likewise compiz doesn't seem to notice when the X resolution of the display is increased.

All the res/monitor switching is done with the Gnome 'Monitor Resolution Setting' applet. It seems like compiz is not really integrated with Gnome. I gather compiz is better integrated in KDE 4, so hopefully that integration is coming for Gnome?

If it is useful, what and where should I collect error logs for posting here when this stuff happens?
