Comment 0 for bug 205700

Revision history for this message
ManuPeng (mvieuxmaire) wrote :

This is due to compiz, as this issue doesn't appear with disabled desktop effects. My video card is an Nvdia and I'm using the development branch of Hardy, daily build on March, the 20th with all updates.

After switching to fullscreen video and back to windowed video, the window's coordinate remain the same.

1) Open a video with totem, or start tvtime
2) Position the application's window in the upper-left corner of the workspace. This is important to view the impact of this bug, the window must be positioned in such a way that it can't be moved to the left without leaving the screen area (same with top)
3) Press the "f" key to switch to fullscreen
4) Press the "f" key again to switch back to window mode
5) Repeat 3) and 4) over and over and watch as the window moves down and to the right with every new switch

Result: The windows is moving across the screen with every new switch for some reason.