Comment 0 for bug 153676

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Bogdan Butnaru (bogdanb) wrote : weird behavior with full-screen windows

Hello! I've just done a fresh install of Ubuntu Gutsy, and I'm currently quite pleased with how Compiz works.

(I had Gutsy before (re-installed after some hardware problems), but Compiz didn't work very well, probably because of cruft accumulated through upgrades all the way from Dapper.)

Now Compiz works great, and after a bit of configuring I'm actually more pleased with it than I ever was with Metacity. However, there are still a few kinks related to full-screen windows that I can't get around. I use full-screen windows a lot, so this is rather annoying.

(Note that I have disabled "unredirect fullscreen windows" because of other issues, so every window should be treated the same way now. Compiz runs on the "intel" driver, if that affects anything. Also, when I say full-screen, I mean it, not just maximize.)

1) New windows appear below the fullscreen windows.
How to reproduce:
 a) open Firefox (or a terminal or anything else)
 b) put the window in fullscreen mode (F11 works by default with Firefox and the terminal, but I have set Compiz to do that for every window).
 c) open a new window (I have the terminal on Start-T, but with Firefox you can use Ctrl-N, and with terminal Ctrl-Shift-T.)
Results: a new window is (correctly) opened, it is given focus (correctly), but it's behind the full-screen window.
Expected: the new window should be on top of the stack.

I have to press Alt-Tab twice (first to return to the full-screen window, second to get to the newly-opened window) to get it to display.

2) Windows disappear when dragged over a full-screen window.
How to reproduce:
 a) open a small window (a terminal)
 b) open Firefox (or another terminal or anything else)
 c) put the second window in fullscreen mode
 d) alt-tab to the first window (non-fullscreen)
 You should have now the full-screen window on the whole screen, and exactly one window above it.
 e) drag the small window by left-clicking on its title-bar.
Results: the window fades out (only the full-screen window is displayed). However, the move _does_ work (the moved window changes position), and the window doesn't loose focus (alt-tab returns to the full-screen window, and another alt-tab to the moved window).
Strangely, if I use Alt+drag to move the window (that's a Compiz feature, I think it's enabled by default), the window doesn't disappear.

Any ideas?