Comment 0 for bug 1529382

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Linuxonlinehelp_de (linuxhelp) wrote :

Hello Guys,

Since i upgrade from 14.XX LTS to 15.04 on all me engines i have major problems to handle the Desktop.
The Bug is Not a Intel only Bug its same on NVIDIA+Nouveau too!

If you open a Browser (chrome or firefox or opera) which uses Hardware Acceleration for Internet the Desktops freezes hard without any LOGS!!

I use:
Acer Travelmate P253 Intel HD 4300 + SSD
Dell 740 Nvidia 8200 Silent or 7600GT +SSD
Same on other PCs here .. + SSDs

Ubuntu dies sometimes on EACH engines!! Tested Kernel 3.XX and 4.XX, varios Drivers!

This may break your Communtity!
What did you change??
I find out that many people have this problems!!

I tested Gnome Classic and Openbox, and there are NO!!! Problems!! So it is no DRIVER or KERNEL BEHAVIOUR!!
Kik Unity-3D and Glossy things into a TRASH CAN! Cause Office Users cant work with 15.XX!