Comment 0 for bug 1478272

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Kyle (agronick) wrote :

I am using Ubuntu 15.04
The application is my own
It can be downloaded in the following PPA or in the Github link below:
The package is "relay"
When I click the minimize button I expect the program to minimize.
Instead compiz crashes. This ONLY happens on Compiz with themes that use the GTK Headerbar minimize buttons and not Ubuntu's.

I have an app and I set a different theme to use one that is darker. On any theme where the minimize button is the square type build into the headerbar on minimize compiz crashes. The app is fine. I am doing nothing special to draw the minimize button. The app works fine on anything besides compiz. If the minimize button is small and circular like the default Ubuntu theme it minimizes fine.

This is the app:

Right now I am just hiding the minimize button on Ubuntu which is a terrible solution. If you delete lines 96 and 97 in src/main_window.vala which are:

else if (Relay.on_ubuntu)
     toolbar.decoration_layout = "maximize,close";

You'll get the minimize button back.

I set the theme on lines 128 and 129 in src/Relay.vala these are:

        if (on_ubuntu)
            Gtk.Settings.get_default().gtk_theme_name = "Adwaita";

Adwaita crashes as well as any other theme with square buttons in the header bar.