Comment 1 for bug 139991

Revision history for this message
Mathieu Laurent (mla) wrote :

It’s a problem when you used an other repository source for compiz. If you would like to use compiz, you need a clean install af compiz packages from gutsy.

1/ You need to remove external source list.
2/ Update package list
3/ Remove all older compiz package
4/ Remove the folder ~/.config/compiz/
5/ Install all compiz, compiz-gnome, compiz-setting-managers packages from gutsy
6/ Relaunch compiz (click left on desktop, choose visual effect tab and disable/enable it)

You can also launch compiz-settings-manager and reset all parameters :


"If you don't know where to find CompizConfig Settings Manager (System>Preferences) or don't have an entry in your menu you can launch it by firing up a terminal and typing in: ccsm"

1. Select the preference option

2. Select the Reset to Defaults option

Now Compiz Fusion will reset and everything will work again. You may have to reconfigure you settings again.