Comment 2 for bug 135382

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Wousser (wousser) wrote :

Maybe it has anything to do with the videocard the user is using. I've an ATI 9800, maybe my card is to slow to display the animations correctly.
If you search google you'll see that more people are having slow animations.

"I thought the same thing about the application-opening animation (which for some reason is very slow under XGL). After poking around it gconf I found a way to turn it off: Set the apps/panel/global/enable_animations key to false."

"Minimizing windows shows an ugly black border around them or is choppy.
Code: gconftool-2 --set --type boolean /apps/panel/global/enable_animations "False""

"On a side note, if you are running GNOME, it is reccomended to disable /apps/panel/global/enable_animations. This will turn off the panel “zoom effect” when clicking launchers, which has been known to slow down and possibly crash compiz."