Comment 4 for bug 1293384

Revision history for this message
John Savanyo (jsavanyo) wrote :

It's disappointing that the Ubuntu 14.04 release has this regression and I'm assuming that a fix is not going to be included in the final 14.04 release due to lack of action on this bug report. So this brings up the following questions:

(1) What can be done to prevent new Ubuntu release regressions when running in a VMware virtual machine?? Could we (Canonical or VMware) found this problem earlier? Does Canonical do any testing of their future OS releases on VMware products before release?

(2) We reported this problem on 3/17, why couldn't we get a fix for this implemented in time for the final 14.04 release? What could we have done differently to get this resolved in a more timely way? Hypothetically, future Ubuntu releases could have similar problems, so we would like to know how to better coordinate fixing issues like this.

(3) Assuming fix will not get into 14.04, can Canonical release an errata patch for this fix or include it in 14.04.1?
