Comment 117 for bug 101943

Revision history for this message
Martin Olsson (mnemo) wrote :

I installed xscreensaver-data-extra activated desktop effects and tried braid. I can confirm that this issue affects both the ATI proprietary and the Intel open source driver.

On my desktop box I see a lockup directly when I select "braid" in the list ( doesn't even redraw my "conky" CPU load graphs and whatnot, all screen updates stop completely. I can still login to the machine using ssh though and top shows that both compiz.real and Xorg is hogging maximum CPU (almost 100% each) while braid is taking like 3-5 percent. When I let it stay frozen for a long time eventually I see single frames of the braid screensaver in the preview box (which is otherwise just pitch black for at least 60 seconds in the beginning). While having had the machine in this "frozen with high CPU load" state for a couple of minutes I still don't see any absurd memory usage though. This machine has the following graphics card: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller [0300]: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 AP [Radeon 9600] [1002:4150] and if I do dpkg -l I have version 1:6.8.0-1 of the xserver-xorg-video-ati package (I think I have the proprietary driver installed right now).

On my laptop (which has an Intel X3100 graphics card with 965GM chipset) I also get the lockup directly when I click on "braid" to see the preview box. Box does visual updates but is still responsive over ssh. top shows Xorg and compiz.real hogging CPU. However, one big difference is that with the intel driver (which was version 2:2.2.1-1ubuntu13.6 by the way) there is significant problems with the memory. Basically both Xorg and compiz.real grows really big (especially compiz.real has a huge resident chunk of memory). After letting the laptop machine stay in "frozen with CPU hogging" mode I saw these values in top:
Xorg VIRT=439m RES=117m MEM%=5.8
compiz.real VIRT=705m RES=698m MEM%=34%