Comment 50 for bug 1295267

Revision history for this message
David Klasinc (bigwhale) wrote :

This is driving me crazy. :/ What we need, in a nutshell, is this:

- window is moved/resized/changed: save desktop state
- screen is put to sleep: save desktop state and disable WM events
- screen wakes up: restore desktop to what it was, if screens are missing, put all windows on 1st workspace of the primary screen
- if screen is disconnected: save desktop state, move out of bounds windows to 1st workspace of the primary screen
- if screen is connected again: restore desktop state if no WM events occurred while screen was missing

If WM events are suspended a moment before screens are turned off/to stand-by/to sleep/low power mode/... and desktop state is saved, then no re-arrangement would occur.

I also noticed that having a window on my secondary screen and issuing a 'Move To Workspace' by right clicking on a title bar, will always send the window to my primary screen. Which is also slightly annoying.