Comment 4 for bug 825593

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Edoardo Tirtarahardja (etirta) wrote :

Oke, I will modify my '/etc/network/if-up.d/' script.

I have asked the David Kubicek to fork a process to monitor the ifup event and act accordingly. Since I'm a newbie in linux, I don't have experience in linux programing :(.

In regards with my issue in Config 2, I check the source code of cntlm 0.91rc6 and can't find the part that cntlm try to contact the parent proxy. I might missed it, do you mind point me to it?

My parent proxy is in, i.e. on eth10, it's not available when the cntlm is started due to eth00 is up. But since I configure it as standalone proxy, this parent proxy as far as I can tell is never used nor contacted. The proxy_connect() is called inside forward_request() and socks5_thread(), since I configure cntlm as standalone proxy & no socks5 proxy, the proxy_connect() should never be called.

If I remember correctly, even when I restart cntlm manually (after all my interfaces are up) I don't see any attempt to contact the parent proxy from the eth10 IP trace. I will verify again on Mon. to make sure this is the case.