Comment 11 for bug 1989686

Revision history for this message
Terje Røsten (terjeros) wrote : Re: cloud-init sets wrong netmask causing borken network config on Oracle Cloud


We have a range of Ubuntu releases running, for U18.04 and U20.04 I see that /run/net-ens3.conf
is present and with contents similar to above.

For U22.04 and U22.10 instances there are no /run/net-*.conf present.

The U22.04 instance are using the standard image:

While U22.10 is using

which is imported to Oracle Object Store and converted to image by:


oci os object put -ns $namespace -bn $bucket_name --name "$IMAGE_NAME" --file "$FILE"

oci compute image import from-object-uri \
 --display-name="$IMAGE" \
 --uri$namespace/b/$bucket_name/o/"$IMAGE_NAME" \
 --compartment-id="$compartment_id" \
 --launch-mode="$LAUNCH_MODE" \
 --source-image-type="$image_type" \
 --defined-tags '{ "customimages": { "upstream" : "'$URL'" }}'

Then instance are created by clicking "Create instance" in the
Compute -> CustomImages view in the OCI console for the created image.

Shape used is E4.Flex, networking is more or less standard, however with
"Do not assign a public IPv4 address".

Note: due to default gateway not set, instance will be reachable from instances in the same subnet only.