Comment 10 for bug 1958377

Revision history for this message
Martin Steigerwald (ms-proact) wrote :

I certainly did not put one of those in there. But Subiquity did:

root@ubuntutemplate:~# cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/subiquity-disable-cloudinit-networking.cfg
network: {config: disabled}

I may not have noticed a warning of the installer regarding this, but in case it did not warn about it, IMO it definitely should.

Now – after removing that distraction – I am back at the original issue of it not applying the network settings from the NoCloud.

I have

root@ubuntutemplate:~# cat /mnt/tmp/meta-data
instance-id: 61a74c24a0b88039cc7ee3e0560d6ffe0a91f956
root@ubuntutemplate:~# cat /mnt/tmp/network-config
version: 1
    - type: physical
      name: eth0
      mac_address: '66:50:19:8c:97:ef'
      - type: static
        address: ''
        netmask: ''
        gateway: ''
    - type: nameserver
      - ''
      - 'tux.lab'


root@ubuntutemplate:~# cat /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
# This file is generated from information provided by the datasource. Changes
# to it will not persist across an instance reboot. To disable cloud-init's
# network configuration capabilities, write a file
# /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-disable-network-config.cfg with the following:
# network: {config: disabled}
            dhcp4: true
                macaddress: 66:50:19:8c:97:ef
            set-name: eth0
    version: 2

This is clearly not a match.

Excerpt from "/run/cloud-init/instance-data-sensitive.json":

 "base64_encoded_keys": [],
 "ds": {
  "_doc": "EXPERIMENTAL: The structure and format of content scoped under the 'ds' key may change in subsequent releases of cloud-init.",
  "meta_data": {
   "instance-id": "3f3046df-c334-4b08-b37f-53f80bca337a"

  "datasource": {
   "None": {
    "metadata": {
     "instance-id": "3f3046df-c334-4b08-b37f-53f80bca337a"
    "userdata_raw": …
  "datasource_list": [

  "instance-id": "iid-datasource-none",
  "instance_id": "iid-datasource-none",

Why does it say datasource "none" instead of NoCloud?

The different instance ID I bet comes from the "none" datasource.

To me it still appears that for some reason it does not pick up the NoCloud resource that Proxmox VE provides, despite cloud-init recognizing it on all of my other VMs including another Ubuntu LTS 20.04 one.

I would like to find out why.

root@ubuntutemplate:~# df -hT -t iso9660
Filesystem Type Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sr0 iso9660 356K 356K 0 100% /mnt/tmp

root@ubuntutemplate:~# file -sk /dev/sr0
/dev/sr0: ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data 'cidata'\012- (Lepton 3.x), scale 0-0, spot sensor temperature 0.000000, unit celsius, color scheme 0, calibration: offset 0.000000, slope 0.000000\012- (Lepton 2.x), scale 0-0, spot sensor temperature 0.000000, unit celsius, color scheme 0, calibration: offset 0.000000, slope 0.000000\012- data

root@ubuntutemplate:~# find /mnt/tmp

seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Regarding /run/cloud-init/instance-data-sensitive.json: By the way I think "ubuntu-bug cloud-init" should *never* *ever* upload password hashes to a bug report, not even if the user agrees to it, but here is did not even ask about whether to upload password hashes. In this case it is quite harmless, but there was no notion during using ubuntu-bug that it would collect such sensitive data and it is difficult to spot in a >140 KiB report before upload.