Comment 17 for bug 1766287

Revision history for this message
Philip Roche (philroche) wrote :

I'd like to reopen this following Disco minimal images failing to set up networking due to similar reasons to this bug with the only difference being that no nic was found.

A workaround was found to set up cloud-init service config:


ExecStartPre=/bin/udevadm settle

The goal of this workaround is to:

1) ensure that cloud-init-local.service runs after
   systemd-udev-trigger.service starts (this is what triggers
   udev coldplug events, like plugging in the nic)
2) Run udevadm settle before we start cloud-init local so that any
   nic processing is completed before cloud-init starts looking for
   a nic.

Currently this is only required on minimal images but there is a
chance it could occur in base images too should they boot quick
enough. Minimal disco does not have snap preseeding as base images do and
due to this running before cloud-init it makes it extremely unlikely to
happen in base images.

I understand that cloud-init might not be the place to fix the issue for all images but I'd like to re-open this bug to start that discussion.

I have attached cloud-init logs, netplan yaml, image manifest and sosreports from an instance that failed to set up networking.