Comment 19 for bug 1374166

Revision history for this message
trialotto (trialotto) wrote :


Defining swap with cloud-config will not result in a persistent swap space across shutdown and restart sequences on Azure.

In general, the cloud-config disk setup and/or filesystem stanza will not result in a persisting ext4 ephemeral disk in before mentioned sequences, in which the ephemeral disk often (but strangely, not always) returns to ntfs format.

The above suggests (on the one hand) an impossibility to use ephemeral disk space for swap purposes and (on the other hand) a bug in the Azure fabric, causing defined swap spaces to be lost when returning to the ntfs format.

Naturally, an added (non-ephemeral) disk can be used for swap purposes, but this is not adviceable.

Furthermore, configuring the waagent.conf variables "ResourceDisk.Format=y" would resolve the Azure fabric issue.

In conclusion, cloud-init and the Azure fabric are not really interacting properly, with respect to swap spaces.

Any advances on the cloud-init front?

Kind regards...