Comment 0 for bug 1218506

Revision history for this message
Ben Howard (darkmuggle-deactivatedaccount) wrote :

This is a feature freeze exception for Cloud-init for Saucy. The SmartOS/Joyent datasource needs to format the ephemeral device. In order to do this properly, cloud-init needs to be capable of partitioning and formating the ephemeral device.

The required change will be to add to cloud-init's configuration modules "", which will handle basic disk partitioning and formating. Additionally, new documentation will land. The decision over whether or not to format

The impact of not having support for disk formating is that on SmartOS/Joyent hosts, the ephemeral device will not be prepared.

- SmartOS/Joyent ephemeral disks will be formated at provisioning time
- Users will be able to define the filesystesm of the ephemeral disks