Comment 31 for bug 28961

Revision history for this message
towsonu2003 (towsonu2003) wrote :

> Towsonu, wasn't this just Windows clumsily adjusting the hardware clock for Daylight
> Saving? If you hadn't booted Windows since October...

as usual, I forgot to write something, than I thought I wrote it. I shouldn't have quit smoking....

I meant to write this:
"... Ubuntu's time was changed... *This was happening when I first installed Dapper and was booting to Windows*... --> I just had time to check out why this could be and it seems this bug was in the final Dapper (6.06) installer..."

oh, and of course, I had this, which seems to be an indicator of the bug (because I didn't set Ubuntu to UTC):

~$ grep UTC /etc/default/rcS
# Set UTC=yes if your system clock is set to UTC (GMT), and UTC=no if not.