Comment 1 for bug 1435242

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package cinder - 1:2015.1~b3-0ubuntu1

cinder (1:2015.1~b3-0ubuntu1) vivid; urgency=medium

  [ James Page ]
  * d/pydist-overrides: Add overrides for oslo packages.

  [ Corey Bryant ]
  * New upstream milestone release for OpenStack Kilo:
    - d/control: Align with upstream dependencies.
    - d/p/skip-huaweistorac-delete-snapshot-success-test.patch: Dropped.
      Patched test has been removed.

  [ James Page ]
  * d/control: Add missing BD on python-testresources.
  * d/p/fix-long-casting.patch: Workaround some problematic type casting between
    int/long (LP: #1435242).
  * d/p/fix-assert-raises-regex-tests.patch: Patchup incorrect usage of
    assertUsesRegex{p} in unit tests.
 -- James Page <email address hidden> Mon, 30 Mar 2015 11:07:20 +0100