Comment 0 for bug 1939968

Revision history for this message
Joel Low (lowjoel) wrote :

I'm trying to mount a Samba share on an Ubuntu system. Both server and client are Ubuntu machines. On the server, the directory shared (outer directory) belongs to a user different from mine, but the owner of the outer directory has granted everyone traverse permission (chmod 0711, basically) to access an inner directory, of which I have been given read access (using setfacl, rx permission).

When I am running as myself locally on the server, I can access the inner directory. I can also do so logging in as myself from a Windows machine and accessing the inner directory. However, when accessing the inner directory via an Ubuntu client, I get permission denied even with `noperm` set (but expected this to succeed, exactly like the Windows client.)

I have tried to distil this down into a reproduce script:

# Install dependencies
sudo apt install --yes samba cifs-utils
sudo smbpasswd -a $USER # Add a password

# Set up shares
mkdir ~/samba
sudo mkdir -p ~/samba/outer/inner
sudo chmod 0711 ~/samba/outer ~/samba/outer/inner
sudo setfacl -m u:$USER:rx ~/samba/outer/inner
cat <<-SAMBA | sudo tee -a /etc/samba/smb.conf
 path = $HOME/samba
 browseable = yes
 read only = no
 guest ok = no
sudo systemctl restart smbd nmbd

# Mount the share
sudo mkdir /media/$USER
sudo chown $USER /media/$USER/samba
sudo mount //localhost/test /media/$USER/samba -t cifs -o vers=3.1.1,user=$USER,noperm

# Test local access
ls -la ~/samba ~/samba/outer ~/samba/outer/inner # ~/samba lists fine, ~/samba/outer Permission denied, ~/samba/outer/inner lists fine.

# Test mount access
ls -la /media/$USER/samba /media/$USER/samba/outer /media/$USER/samba/outer/inner # /media/$USER/samba lists fine, others Permission denied

# On a Windows machine
net use T: \\<ip>\test /User:$USER *
dir T:\ # OK
dir T:\outer # File not found
dir T:\outer\inner # OK

I have run this script on a fresh Ubuntu 21.04 desktop install and observed this behaviour. However, the trigger for this investigation was observed on an Ubuntu 20.04.2 server install (both server and client).

lsb_release -rd: Ubuntu 21.04
uname -srv: Linux 5.11.0-25-generic #27-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 9 23:06:29 UTC 2021
cifs-utils package version: 2:6.11-1ubuntu1