Comment 0 for bug 1764778

Revision history for this message
Paul-Georg Majev (peajee) wrote :

In our IT-Department we are preparing ourselves for Ubuntu 18.04.
While doing so, we discovered, that Domain Users loging into Ubuntu with their home Directories mounted through pam-mount can not modify the icons in the Sidebar and are also unable to activate certain settings. What we discovered so far is:

1. They can not change their Keyboard Layout.
2. They can not apply "show hidden files" in nautilus.

What could be the Problem here and how should we go about solving it?

How to reproduce it:
1. Join Client to domain via net ads join -U administrator
2. Restart SSSD Daemon
3. Configure pam_mount.conf.xml as such:
<debug enable = "1" />
<mntoptions allow = "nosuid,nodev,loop,encryption,fsck,nonempty,allow_root,allow_other" />
<mntoptions require = "nosuid,nodev" />
<logout wait = "5" hup = "0" term="no" kill="no" />
<mkmountpoint enable = "1" remove = "true" />
<volume fstype = "cifs"
       server = "server.domain"
       path = "home/%(DOMAIN_USER)"
       mountpoint = "/home/%(DOMAIN_USER)"
       options = "dir_mode=0700,workgroup=DOMAIN,iocharset=utf8,username=%(DOMAIN_USER),cruid=%(USERUID),uid=%(USERUID)"
       user = "*"/>
4. Restart
5. Log in with a domain user
Everything seems to work, all files appear in the home directory, but the problems above occur.
Doing the exact same thing in Ubuntu 16.04 works.